What Is a Marketing Firm, and Why Work with One? (2020 Edition)

  • marketing firm

The work on your plate feels like an avalanche in slow motion.

You’ve looked at all the different tasks that you need to do to start and sustain a long term marketing campaign, and it’s overwhelming.

You quickly realize that juggling all the pieces and nuances of a long term marketing campaign will take up far too much time and effort.

Maybe you already know how to promote your business, but you’re too busy to juggle the minutiae that comes with handling a marketing campaign.

Either way, you know that you could make better use of your time by handing these tasks to professionals that specialize in building and maintaining marketing campaigns that get results.

If you’ve never worked with a marketing agency before, or if you’re looking for a new agency and wondering what outcome to expect, this article will explain how most marketing agencies work with clients, save them valuable time, and get results for their businesses.

Before we start, we should ask: what is a marketing firm?

“Marketing Firm” definition

A marketing firm is a business that is responsible for research, analysis, strategy, branding, and promotion of products and services. Marketing firms use their expertise and experience to accelerate the growth of their client’s business and help the client reach their business goals.

The reason why most business owners bring in outside help is to supercharge their growth.

Knowing what a marketing firm can do to push your business forward is a critical step in finding the right one for your business.

What Does a Marketing Company Do?

A quality marketing company can work with your business in several ways, depending on the size of your marketing budget and how hands-on (or hands-off) you want to be with your marketing.

Below are the different tasks that a marketing company can handle for your business:

Market Research to Understand Your Target Audience

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Market research is key to understanding your audience, making better business decisions, and avoiding costly mistakes.

Market research comes in two forms:

Primary Market Research

Primary market research is going out and gathering information first hand from people to answer your questions.

The most popular methods of primary research are:

  • Surveys
  • Focus groups
  • Interviews
  • Observations
  • Experiments

Secondary Market Research

With secondary market research, you collect information from already existing sources. The researcher gathers information from various sources and applies what they learn to solve problems and make decisions.

Marketing Strategy to Figure Out the Direction of Your Marketing

Photo by JESHOOTS.com from Pexels

Marketing strategy is the 30,000-foot view behind the marketing plan. 

A solid marketing strategy backs all successful marketing efforts. They inform all of the on-the-ground tactics to meet specific goals and objectives, so they work to complete one cohesive mission.

You must have a solid overall marketing strategy in place before you can work on individual tactics.

Marketing agencies develop a marketing strategy as the first part of their work with a business, or they perform strategy consulting as an a la carte service.

Develop a Powerful Brand for Instant Business Recognition

A brand is how people recognize your company; it’s an identifying mark or a collective impression on those who come into contact with your company and its products or services.

Branding is the act of positioning your company, creating an identity, and setting standards; it’s taking control of how people see and feel about your company.

Graphic Design to Beautify Your Content

Graphic design is the literal art of using images, typography, and design elements to communicate visual concepts.

Content Writing to Build an Ongoing Relationship with Your Audience

Content writing is the act of, well, writing content for inbound marketing campaigns. Marketing agencies produce well-written content optimized with SEO, reader engagement, and conversion goals in mind.

Content writes format their writing to work in a variety of channels, such as:

  • Blogs
  • Social networks
  • White papers
  • Native article content

Marketing firms write quality content geared toward their audience, and then adjusted for…

Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) to Get Google to Share Your Content For You

SEO is the art and science of writing and producing content to drive traffic from a search engine such as Google.

Content optimized for search will typically rank higher than non-optimized content. As a result, these higher-ranking pages get more traffic, which converts into more leads and sales for their businesses.

Traffic from search engines is described as organic because you don’t have to pay for the traffic you get.

Search Marketing (or Advertising on Google)

Search marketing is when you place an ad to promote your page among organic search results.

Search marketing is almost exclusively pay per click (PPC) advertising. PPC means you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.

Google calculates the amount of money you pay by using an auction system. How much you can end up paying per click depends on the keyword you’re bidding on and the competition for said keyword.

Social Media Marketing (Pay to Say “Hi” on Facebook’s News Feeds)

Social media marketing is both paid and unpaid marketing specific to social media channels like Facebook or Twitter.

Social media campaigns perform their best when your target audience shares your content for you. Creating share-worthy content can help you get your content spread far and wide with little-to-no financial investment.

You can also pay to boost your content’s reach, and you can promote your page with a PPC or display ad (meaning you pay per 1,000 impressions instead of per click).

Email Marketing to Connect with Your Audience More Intimately

Before your readers give you access to their email inbox, they need to trust that your content will provide value for them.

Email marketing is the act of incentivizing readers to subscribe to your messages by giving you their email addresses in a capture form. These incentives are usually pieces of gated content, such as a white paper, a checklist, or a free course.

Once the readers provide their email address and have given permission to send them emails, you then deliver your messages in the hopes that these subscribers will eventually convert into paying customers.

Email marketing, when used effectively, is a great way to build relationships with your customers, reduce churn, and increase sales almost effortlessly.

Inbound Marketing to Meet Your Customers’ Needs

With Inbound marketing, you create content to meet the needs of prospective customers actively seeking a solution to a problem.

Content marketing is the lifeblood of any inbound marketing campaign.

Traditional Advertising from the “Good Ol’ Days”

Traditional advertising refers to advertising methods used in Ye Olde Worlde, such as:

  • Newspapers
  • Television
  • Print Media
  • Billboards
  • Snail Mail

Marketers use traditional advertising to build awareness for new business, products, or services. Large, well-established companies typically use these advertising channels; they are out of reach to smaller companies because they are prohibitively expensive compared to online methods.

Why Partner with a Marketing Firm?

There are five primary reasons why working with a marketing firm would be a smart decision:

Marketing Agencies Can Provide You Fresh Perspectives to Any Problem

Sometimes, you need new ideas to break through with your marketing. Getting an outside perspective on your marketing strategy can reveal opportunities for improvement.

You Get Instant Access to Experts in Multiple Fields

You don’t have to go through hiring multiple marketing professionals to access all the skills you need to run every aspect of your marketing campaigns. You have access to a marketing one-stop-shop.

You Get Ongoing Marketing and Sales Support

Marketing agencies that provide ongoing support will handle every marketing task on your behalf, which frees you up to focus more on the areas of your business that only you can do.

You Save Money and Time on Tools and Training

By outsourcing some or all your marketing tasks, you’ll save money on salaries and overhead. You can also save money on marketing software if your agency partners with software providers or already has that software on hand.

You Get More of Your Time Back

Because you aren’t managing your agency team directly, you’ll get the benefits of marketing without the time-crunch from oversight.

All you have to do is have short, regular calls with your point of contact at your marketing agency to see how your strategy is going.

How Do You Choose the Best Marketing Firm?

Now that you understand what a quality marketing firm can do for your business, it’s time to figure out how to find the right firm to work with you.

When researching the right marketing firm for you, ask these questions:

  • Can they show me examples of great work?
  • Can they provide me with case studies that demonstrate successful business growth?
  • Do they demonstrate experience that is relevant to my business?

Working with a marketing company that knows their stuff is essential, but you also need to work with a firm you can trust.

The relationship you have with your firm needs to be one of mutual trust so you can easily overcome every business challenge that comes your way.

Do You Want Your Time Back? Just Do This.

You no longer have to stare down the slow-motion avalanche of marketing tasks that need to be done for your business to succeed. Now you have the chance to free your time up to do more important things that only you can do.

However, before you can get that time back, you need to take the first step and talk to a marketing firm to work on terms that are right for you and your business.

Here’s what to do next:

Click here to schedule an appointment with us.

We will guide you through our process, answer any questions you may have, and discuss which of our services will provide the best value for your business. You will only invest in what you need for your unique situation.

After that, sit back while we work our magic. You can set your mind at ease and trust that your business is in good hands.

May 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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